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7-Day Blender Cleanse LIVE Challenge...

Included in the program are daily guided practices + real food meal plan

Next Live Blender Cleanse Challenge in 2024, Date Announced via Email to Waitlist!

Join The Waitlist to Get Access + Get Special Offer!

  • Lose weight
  • Boost immune system
  • Remove toxins
  • Sleep better
  • Alleviate anxiety
  • and so much more.

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens.

Tarashaun Nutrition


Founder of Blender Babes

Hello, Beautiful!

Are you feeling unhealthy, fatigued, bloated and tired of trying all the different "diets" out there these days?

You are NOT alone!

After gaining more than 40 pounds and struggling with dieting, poor body image and unhealthy detox/cleanses for decades, my life began to turn around when I got my first blender... and started working on repairing my body and mind from within.

I started eating more real, whole foods in addition to small habit changes and the excess weight fell off!  

I am now, at 43, the healthiest I have ever been in my life.  

I took what I learned and spent 5 years developing and perfecting this amazing 7-Day program. 

I've helped thousands of women (and men!) improve their health in just 1 week.

I'll show you EXACTLY what you can do to support your body and mind each day to help remove harmful toxins in simple daily steps. Over just 7 days.

My goal now is to help others live healthier.  

I know what it’s like to not be able to fit into my favorite clothes. I know how hard it can be to find the time to meal prep, shop, cook healthy meals and exercise. I know how it feels to want to make a change.  

I'm here to tell you... change is POSSIBLE.  

Join me now and let's all cleanse our bodies and minds together!

Tarashaun's 7-Day Blender Cleanse LIVE Challenge + VIP LIFETIME ACCESS

I want in! Join the waitlist NOW + Get Special Offer!

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens.

7 Days. 7 Guided Practices.
Plus a nutritious, whole foods program that can help:

  • Flush away harmful toxins
  • Reduce inflammation 
  • Lose weight, even if it's been there for a long time
  • Boost metabolism
  • Increase energy levels
  • Identify health sabotaging food sensitivities
  • Kickstart a clean, whole-foods based eating plan
  • Improve digestion, gas and bloating
  • Reduce cravings for sugary and high-calorie foods
  • More beautiful, glowing skin
  • Feel less stressed and more peaceful


Included in The Blender Cleanse Challenge


It’s a 7-day whole foods based, nutritionist approved program that will help you get the results you want in a short time.

Follow the plan and learn how to use a blender to prepare meals that can help jump start a slow metabolism, release toxins and remove bloat.


  • No starving or restriction.
  • No need to worry about what to eat
  • No severe detox symptoms
  • No crazy food cravings

7-Day Blender Cleanse LIVE Challenge

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens.

What's Included with
The Blender Cleanse LIVE Challenge + VIP

  • Lifetime access to online portal with program + all updates and additional bonuses. ($500 value)
  • VIP Access to all LIVE group challenges for LIFE ($999 value)
  • The Blender Cleanse™ eBook guide ($97 value)
  • 7 LIVE guided practices each day with Tarashaun on detoxing + lifestyle to heal your body and spirit. ($700)
  • Private facebook group where the entire program takes place... with support from Tarashaun & other like-minded women ($100)
  • Daily email guidance ($250 value)
  • Nutritionist approved 5-day meal plan (omnivore & vegan) + shopping list ($150 value)
  • Whole food juice detox recipes (using a blender) + shopping list ($50 value)
  • 100% gluten-free recipes, nutrition and macros
  • Progress tracker, allowed/not allowed foods lists
  • 3 Bonuses: Guided meditation, booty workout, nutritionist Q&A - amazing additions to your cleanse from celebrity guest experts. ($150)
  • TOTAL VALUE $2,999
Tarashaun Smoothie Making

How It Works

The Blender Cleanse program is broken down in two phases. It also includes your meal plan, shopping list and recipes.

Phase 1: 5 DAYS PREP

The prep days are just that -- they help you prepare the body (and mind) slowly. 

You begin by eliminating the foods that often cause inflammation and digestive trouble like red meat, sugar, alcohol, coffee, gluten and dairy.

During this phase you be consuming 3 meals and 2 snacks each day consisting of real, whole foods and learning how to use your blender more to help you eat clean and more delicious, plant-based meals.

This slow elimination strategy reduces withdrawal symptoms like headaches, cravings, and moodiness because you aren't throwing your body into a state of shock.


This is the phase where your body will be doing a lot of work. Your meals will consist solely of whole food juices made with your blender.  

FYI... this detox is different from other juice detoxes because you are NOT extracting pulp/skin/seeds (aka fiber and other nutrients) from the fruits and vegetables.  

Keeping the fiber rather than extracting it makes your juices much more satiating.  

You're drinking approximately 1700 calories per day. It's like you're actually eating the entire fruit/vegetable but in liquid form and not to worry, the recipes keep the sugar content down.  

With a high-powered blender, these whole food juices will be super easy to make but to be clear, ANY BLENDER will do.


This is when you reintroduce the eliminated foods back into your diet.  

You add them in one-by-one which can help you identify which foods may be troublesome for your system.  

Going forward I can help you move towards a bigger goal or create a maintenance plan that's best suitable for you.  

The 7-Day Blender Cleanse is designed to help you create a healthy lifestyle habit of using your blender to eat more whole foods, assist the body in detoxification and


Brittany O. lost 17 pounds in 10 days.

Elisabeth S. 4th and best time taking the challenge


Felicia Blender Cleanse Review

"I was feeling sluggish and overweight due to stress and a lack of exercise from being self-employed. The Blender Cleanse appealed to me because it [uses] REAL food. It’s easy to follow and the recipes are delicious. It also makes you feel great! By the 5th day my energy levels skyrocketed. Plus I noticed a difference in my clothes. I lost about 5 pounds [in 1 week]. More importantly, I have been able to maintain my weight loss because The Blender Cleanse helped me become much more aware of what I was eating and how eating REAL food makes me feel energized."
- Felicia L. 

"My husband and I love the [Blender Cleanse] detox recipes and we never feel hungry. We've lost about 15 pounds each. The cleanse reminds us how delicious REAL FOODS are, so we don't crave processed or junk foods!"
- Beverly S. 

"I lost 13 pounds on The Blender Cleanse. I [also] dropped 37 points in total cholesterol and a 187 points from my triglycerides!! My liver functions have improved as well and [my doctor] thinks my body has been so clogged up all these years that once it was flushed out my liver was able to filter stuff out again. I'm going to keep putting all of this goodness into my body." - Keith A.

“I just finished my 4th round of The Blender Cleanse! I have been doing it 1-2 times a year for the past few years. This round, I lost 7 pounds, without that really being my intention! I feel cleansed and refreshed with so much energy, and no cravings for things I used to feel I needed desperately daily, like coffee!" - Samantha V. 

"I was so excited to do the Blender Cleanse to have more energy and to feel healthier overall. Post-cleanse I have lost 5 lbs and dropped 3 inches off my hips and waist. I’m blown away at my results - I feel much lighter and less bloated, my hip joints and lower back don’t ache anymore. I never felt hungry and the recipes were easy to prepare and delicious!" - Alicia D. 

7 Day Blender Cleanse LIVE Challenge

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens.

When You Choose The Blender Cleanse, You Will:

#1 - Learn how to determine if you have food sensitivities that may be negatively affecting you.

#2 - Discover how to start and end your day for maximum metabolism boosting and detoxification.

#3 - Learn how to use your blender to make whole food meals, juices and smoothies.

#4 - Find out which supplements to take that support continued health and cleansing.

#5 - Get your unhealthy food cravings under control.

Are you ready to get started with the program that will help you FINALLY get the results you've been wanting?

7 Day Blender Cleanse LIVE Challenge

Get on the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee


I’m totally serious! If you don’t see any results…If you’re not completely happy or satisfied with the program... I WILL GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK.  

Hard to believe? It’s not.  

I know this plan works. It’s simple, easy and totally effective. So all the risk is on me. 




The Blender Cleanse shopping list was created for 1 person, however, you can double, triple, quadruple, etc. the meals for the number of people in your family.


For the 5 preparation days leading up to the detox days (usually Monday through Friday), the Blender Cleanse guide includes a meal plan (3 meals and 2 snacks each day).


It also contains notes on what to prepare the night before to save time the next day -- which can help you decide on what to prepare for your family.


Although you will be slowly eliminating certain foods from your diet (such as animal protein, dairy and soy) you don't have to eliminate those foods from your family members.


Additionally, your dinners during the prep days will often become your lunch the following day. So there is less meal planning time involved.


Yes, the plan can fit your specific caloric and protein requirements.


All of the nutrition and macros are listed on each recipe in the guide ebook.


If you need more protein, feel free to add a little more to your shopping list of certain ingredients during the 5 day meal prep days. You can also add protein powder to your smoothies.


Keep in mind that you are slowly eliminating certain foods from your diet, but your calories are not restricted. You will be eating lightly but will also feel satiated.


Plenty of male babes have completed the cleanse and have experienced great results! And you will too.


No! The Blender Cleanse was created to be used with any type of blender. A good power blender is always helpful, but not necessary.


The recipes included in the Blender Cleanse meals plans both omnivore and vegan are whole-food based and are gluten and soy free.


Every body is different so results will vary but every single one of our past participants have lost weight. Those that did not want/need to lose weight added more protein but usually still slimmed down by 3 pounds. As the body is cleaning out and detoxing it's natural to shed some weight.


If one of your goals IS NOT to lose weight and you are healthy, the prep days include a full day of nutrient dense calories but increase your snack intake.


You can also add protein powder, coconut oil and chia seeds to your smoothies and juices to increase healthy fats, protein and fiber.


Finally during the juice days you will also want to add some healthy fat (coconut oil). You may also have a small meal at the end of the day, before the last Juice.


As always go with how you feel, you will see benefits with the cleanse.


Not at all. You will be able to find what you need to prepare your meals in any grocery store because it's all REAL food.


Also, if there's anything you do not like or can not eat, I've included suggestions for you to substitute or change up ingredients as needed.


If you purchase now, you can do The LIVE Blender Cleanse next time. Your purchase gives you access to all the LIVE group challenges and the Facebook group, for life.


When you are ready another time, the Blender Babes community does LIVE group challenges 1-2x per year to help motivate one another to eat better and live healthier.


Our 60 day money back guarantee gives you an opportunity to give The Blender Cleanse a try and also participate in the our LIVE Challenge.


If you don't see any results or you're not completely happy or satisfied with the program, I will give you your money back. NO questions asked. NO hard feelings.